Progress Reports

PE10.02 - Annual Progress Report

The Columbia County Board of Supervisors adopted the New York State Climate Smart Communities Pledge on November 10, 2020 with resolution no. 338-2020 and established the Columbia County Climate Smart Communities Task Force on March 10, 2021:

" serve as the central body that promotes and supports climate mitigation, adaptation, and education in the community, and advises the County Government on undertaking plans, programs, and activities that are part of the CSC program".

The purpose of this report is to highlight the county’s progress toward reaching the goals included in the Climate Smart Communities pledge and to outline a future path that will help the county reach those goals.

We believe this Progress Report fulfills the requirements of PE10 - Annual Progress Report, and will result in 4 additional CSC Action Points when it comes time to recertify.

Task Force Bylaws

The Columbia County CSC Task Force Bylaws adopted on Feb. 8, 2023 describe the duties of the Task Force Coordinator, which includes:

"Develop a recommended roadmap of CSC actions including an assessment of already completed actions, documentation required for credit, the collection and organization of reporting documents, and an evaluation of new actions in terms of cost and logistics needed for implementation."

This report is submitted and posted in fulfilment of that requirement.

2022 Roadmap to Bronze

Much of the work completed by the Task Force shortly after it was formed was based on the document Roadmap to Bronze compiled by Alejandra Plaza Limon, a Cornell University intern who worked for the Task Force in 2022. This document has served us well as both an action plan and a progress report for the Task Force.