Join the 2024 Climate Carnival

Celebrate | Educate | Motivate


We are no longer accepting applications for exhibitor/vendor spaces for this years Climate Carnival.

If you have already registered and have any outstanding paperwork, please submit it to us ASAP!

For those who missed this year's event, please check back with us in the near future as we begin planning the next Climate Carnival.

We are inviting people, vendors, & organizations to host informational tables, educational displays, demonstrations, sales, & workshops on a variety of topics, such as: 

While we welcome a wide variety of educators and vendors, and want to encourage as much participation as possible, this event is specific for the education and the promotion of climate initiatives. Please make sure your presentation addresses climate change, energy efficiency,  sustainability, electrification, or other environmental issues in some way.

If you would like to participate in the Climate Carnival as a vendor, host a demonstration, workshop, or set up an informational table...

We need three things from you:

We are sorry, but there are NO exceptions to the insurance requirement!

The insurance requirements are outlined in the downloadable Fairground Use Agreement form and at the end of the online registration form (see below).

There is no fee for participation in this event. However, all applications are subject to approval by the organizing committee.

Please use the online form so we can make arrangements for your space.

If you have any questions please contact Don Meltz at: [email protected] - 518-828-3375 ext. 2322

Step 1 - Complete the Online Application Form:

Step 2 - Sign and Return the Fairground Use Agreement:

Download the Fairground Use Agreement Form

(Required for ALL vendors, demonstrations, informational tables)

Step 3 - Send us your Insurance Certificates:

All vendors, demonstrations, informational tables, and other participants must at minimum provide liability insurance coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 in effect at all times when at the fairgrounds, covering all aspects of the Vendor’s operations, with the Vendor providing a certificate of insurance naming Columbia County and Columbia County Agricultural Society as additional insureds. Workers’ compensation insurance is also be required where Vendor’s employees are present on behalf of the Vendor.

Please note - Columbia County and Columbia County Ag Society are TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES! They must both be listed on the insurance certificate, with their own addresses. We strongly recommend your insurance provider supply two certificates, one for each entity. The certificate holders should be listed as:

County of Columbia

401 State Street

Hudson, NY  12534

Columbia County Agricultural Society

32 Church Street

P. O. Box 257

Chatham, NY 12037

You can return the forms and certificates via email to [email protected], or mail them to:

Donald Meltz
Columbia County Planning Dept.
401 State Street
Hudson, NY  12534

ALL paperwork MUST be completed and submitted to us by Friday, August 30th. This includes both the Fairground Waiver form and the certificate of insurance described above. We must receive these forms by then in order to allow you to participate.

Help Support the Climate Carnival

If you, your organization or your business is interested in supporting the Climate Carnival, please contact our fiscal sponsor Columbia Economic Development Corporation (CEDC).

You can donate through the CEDC website:

Or you can send donations directly to the CEDC office at:

Columbia Economic Development Corporation
One Hudson City Centre, Suite 301
Hudson, N.Y. 12534

Please be sure to include a note in the check memo section indicating that your donation is intended for the Climate Carnival.